Gentagen transarteriel kemoembolisering med epirubicin-belastede superabsorberende polymermikrosfærer vs. konventionel transarteriel kemoembolisering til hepatocellulært carcinom The goal of the current examine was to guage the long-term outcomes and the influence of repeated typical transarterial chemoembolization (C-TACE) and transarterial chemoembolization with epirubicin-loaded…
Måned: juni 2021
Polymerfri biolimus-eluerende stents eller polymerbaserede
Polymerfri biolimus-eluerende stents eller polymerbaserede zotarolimus-eluerende stents til koronar bifurkation læsioner Background: A polymer-free biolimus-eluting stent (PF-BES) and a zotarolimus-eluting stent (ZES) just lately confirmed comparable medical profiles and seem like competing choices in particular medical settings of sufferers present process…