Sensitiv ‘to-trins’ konkurrencedygtig analyse til gonadotropin-frigivende hormondetektion by way of SPR-biosensing og polynorepinephrin-baseret molekylær præget polymer The work experiences an progressive bioassay for the detection of gonadorelin in urine, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist broadly utilized in fertility medication and to…
Tag: membrane bound receptor
En ny konjugeret polymer, der muliggør integration af solcelleanlæg
Produktion af D-mælkesyreholdige polyhydroxyalkanoat (PHA) polymerer i gær Saccharomyces cerevisiae Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) present biodegradable and bio-based options to traditional plastics. Incorporation of 2-hydroxy acid monomers into polymer, along with 3-hydroxy acids, provides risk to tailor the polymer properties. On this…